The Breathing Relationship (And What I Wish Every Child Knew)

By Jeanne Denney

Lots of people think that I teach just about death, dying and grief. Well, I do. But the thing is, death taught me so much about all the rest of life, and almost every natural thing in it, that it was no longer possible to think about anything the same way.  One of the biggest things that hospice work taught me about, though, was relationships. That, and…ok, years of therapy work with clients.  Through all of that I began to understand relationships as organized energy, as pulsing, changing, forming and unforming bonds that had an almost physical reality without actually being physical.  I learned relationships as nature. Relationships as both temporal and eternal.  These are things our culture should teach very clearly.  But, alas, it doesn’t.  And so uneducated about our very nature, we bumble around, usually damaging mind, body and each other.

Through couples work, my own relationship “undoings”, the teachings of clients’ lives, I have come to see small and large endings as predictable and even a necessary and living parts of relationship.  I could see that there was a deep conversation between beginnings and endings, that the formation of a relationship left very deep imprints on what came after, as if our nascent beginnings lay down tracks for the future.  As I watched hospice patients and their loved ones navigating ending together, or couples in conflict, there was LOTS (and lots) of old stuff making bids for resolution.   It was quite an education.  A deep one.

There are predictable patterns in relationship processes we can learn.  And there are definitely things we can learn to make them better.  Since loneliness is epidemic and relationship trauma is on the rise, let me waste no time and offer a brief summary.  Here are…

Seven things I wish every school child was taught about relationships:

  • Relationships are REALLY important. We need them to thrive or even survive. They are deeply connected to our bodies.

  • Relationships are energetic structures between people. They are part of nature.

  • These energetic structures are alive. They change predictably over time. They have to be grown and tended like tomatoes. When we don’t, the relationship gets sickly or can die.

  • A sick relationship, or one that “died” badly can make us sick if we don’t attend to it.

  • Control and domination hurts a relationship (which, remember, is a living thing). So do cut offs and “ghosting”. These are violations of connection that hurt everyone.

  • Some parts of relationships end and those endings are important. Some parts seem to be forever, especially so if we do our endings well. If you want it to have a deep aliveness you have to learn to tolerate and even cultivate good micro-endings.

  • Relationships thrive on well-paced rhythmic exchange, the somewhat predictable alternation between contact and “space holding”. We get a lot of our information on the other person through the pattern of this dance of “toward and away”.

Let’s talk about that last one for a minute. Our culture sees Toward and Away as Love versus Separation. Gosh this reminds me of another false opposition I like to rail about:  Life versus Death.  We are not only a youth focused, death-phobic culture, and we are also an ATTACHMENT focused, differentiation-phobic culture.  That means that we think of attachment and closeness as more loving than holding space or giving distance.   The “falling IN love” part is wonderful.  The falling away is sad and horrible.  Remind you of the Life is good, Death is bad bias?

But wait just a darned minute.  Is this true?  I bet everyone has had the experience of shutting down emotionally because someone is just too unrelentingly close or clinging or demanding or controlling (ah, the dark side of attachment).  So somewhere along the line, an attachment that is not love can happen.  That is probably about the place where space would naturally come into the picture for regulation, integration and rest but may have been resisted.   Because relationships want to BREATHE (move, dance, modulate, exhale, inhale, pulsate) just like other living things.   These delicate creations need to move BOTH toward and away to be vital.  The loving opposite of dark attachment is actually the ability to tolerate and celebrate the beauty of someone’s differentiation process, even if they are differentiating from…US in that moment.

And can there be TOO much space?  Well of course.  We all know what that feels like too, don’t we?  Waiting too long for a response, having our “bids for attention” ignored by another.  Ghosting.  Yuck.  It stinks, doesn’t it?  Being unwilling or unable to reliably engage in a rhythmic exchange of energy is another distortion of space. It damages relationships just as much.  For some people the offer of more space means love.  For others more attachment/closeness means love.  And in these two differences so many relationships struggle.

The deeper truth seems to be that attachment and differentiation processes are both essential parts of love.  Maybe love is that rhythmic, attuned communication that knows how to reliably honor the regular toward and away.  Looked at this way, we usually don’t have to reject, replace or eject the other person or find a replacement someone to relate to.  Maybe we just need to learn to do relationship dance:  to find new roles, or tolerate another person’s changes as true.  Maybe we need to ask not what I or you need, but what the relationship itself needs at any given moment .  How much love does that take?  Maybe a lot.  But I can’t think of a better way to spend my time in this world than working toward that dance.

I could go on and on with stories. There is a lot more to say. You can learn more about relationship dynamics and fostering connection through my relationship audio program that will be available in a few weeks. Sign up for our email newsletter for updates.

Making Space for Grief

By Ami Isett

Grief, what a strong and complex word! It says so much and yet so specifically little all at the same time. We can feel grief around change of any kind, loss of life, relationships, roles, stages in life, autonomy, mobility, career, health, age and so many more topics.

Loss, sorrow, distress, heartache, mourning, sadness and impending gloom are just a few of the words that come up for me when I think about grief. I also feel the sensations in my body of a kind of slumping, pulling away from and an empty heaviness inside. What do you think, feel and sense when you are in a state of grief? Do you have or make the room to feel it or do you tuck it away?

For me, grief gets suspended in the air and hovers over everything. It devours the light and creates a kind of melancholy that masks or prohibits flow and the rhythm of my life. I live in a different space, it is often incredibly powerful and robs me of being present and available to life itself. Does this make it bad? Well, uncomfortable that’s for sure, but it also tells me what I value most in my life, what I appreciate, want and need in this lifetime.

We often feel so completely alone in our grief. My grief at the present may not be yours, but we have “it” in common, it’s inevitable, universal, something we all share! What if our grief can be shared, to better connect us to each other, to our humanness? What if this in itself can help us heal, learn about and process our grief even better?

In this upcoming workshop, “Making Space for Grief”, my colleague Andrea Pollak and I invite you to join us to discover more about making the space you need to acknowledge and feel your grief. What would it look like if you had more time, permission to feel and less constraints around your grief? Come explore more with like-minded people in a safe place, in relationship and in the community of SoULL.

We’ll help you make room for it in your mind, body and spirit for a deeper understanding of grief itself so that you can heal in your own time and space.  Hope to see you there!   

With love ~ Ami                                                      

“Making Space for Grief”

Sunday, November 14th at 11am to 2pm ET on Zoom

Please click this link to register.

This workshop is presented by SoULL

Grief is Contagious

By Jeanne Denney

If you are bereaved, or grieving any loss, you probably feel funny wearing your sadness in public, or talking about it to friends for more than a month or two. Increasingly it isn’t seen as a welcome or even healthy process. Recently, at the end of a 5 week course on death education, I was asked by participants whether it was appropriate to cry at a funeral. I had to check twice to see if they were serious, “ Wait…A FUNERAL?!?!?” I asked “Has grief phobia really gotten that bad?” 

Helping people stay “up” and “not bringing others down” are apparently social mandates. Grieving people often isolate, as if they are carrying the ebola virus, yellow fever and bird flu all at once. When they do go into public places or socially engage, it is common for them to rehearse inauthentic behaviors to meet perceived requirements for cheerfulness, resilience, and optimism, something like putting on a face mask. Surely this is burdensome.

The phenomenon of grief phobia is not new and is clearly unfortunate for grievers, but I am writing about the other side of the problem: the loss for others who have no contact with grief. I am suggesting that the bereaved are a rare medicine rather than an infectious disease.

One way I know that shared grief is a medicine is because I facilitate therapy groups with ordinary people. Practicing body psychotherapy, it is clear that unacknowledged sadness works its way into the body and psyche. What has not openly been acknowledged or shared becomes “somaticized” (held in the tissues of the body). Healing processes most often require that we acknowledge, feel, and release emotions we have held in the body but have not fully accepted and experienced.

In The Other Side of Sadness, grief researcher and psychologist Dr. George Bonanno of Columbia University writes that sadness is one of the important emotions evolved to help us through grief and loss. His studies show that people in states of sadness have an inward focus which allows them to be more aware, alert, and in possession of greater wisdom than people who avoid it. Likely it is a door we walk through to gain real life and genuine joy.

If tears and active sadness are good for us, how do we find and release them? Watching people struggle sometimes for years to feel buried sadness, I know it isn’t so simple. That is why grievers are especially good medicine. Group dynamics routinely demonstrate the power of one person’s heartfelt sharing of grief on others. There are only a few responses we can have in the presence of another’s expressed pain: we can freeze or feel our own human sorrow. In a healthy group, one person’s tears beget others because truly felt grief really is contagious. 

I was fascinated to read the accounts of Malidoma Somé, an African Studies scholar and shaman, who writes about the way grief is handled in the Dagara tribe. Drumming, dancing, music, and grieving goes on for days during which everyone is allowed space to explore their losses as well as their relationship with the world of spirit. I have to wonder how many things would change if we had similar rites in our own culture.

It is hard for grievers to deal with our culture’s denial of loss and death. But in truth, we are all impoverished by this isolation and denial. The benefits of grieving in a collective are not just to the griever, they are to the community. Through them we find a portal through which we can enter the reality of our own primal losses, finding wisdom, truth, healing, and precious inwardness. Grieving in a collective is strangely memorable and bonds the community deeply. We are united and humbled by loss. It is a doorway that can lead to more true joy and connection. And, it seems, we need each other to pass through it.


If you connected with this post, join us for SoULL’s online workshop Making Space for Grief led by Andrea Pollak and Ami Isett November 14th from 11:00 AM 2:00 PM. We will create space to acknowledge sorrow.

Header photo by Bastien Ruhland

The Birth and Purpose of SoULL: An Introduction

by Founder Jeanne Denney

There is almost nothing crazier than starting a transformational program or school. Starting SoULL (School of Unusual Life Learning) has been similar to leading a six month trek up a mountain, digging a well for the thirsty with a pick axe, or building a bridge for the stranded with twine. I feel a little some days like Orville or Wilbur. As in Wright. Except that there is only one of me. They had each other. The thought has come, “Why the bleep am I doing this?” You may be asking this too.

I know well the joys of helping others. I have been a therapist a good long time. It’s great work. But this is different. It comes from a deeper place. It comes in the night. It doesn’t leave you alone. It gives you insight and then expects you to do something with it. It says “Follow”. It says “Failure isn't real.” It says “Do it anyway”. If you explain that you are a contemplative person that doesn’t fit usual descriptions for “a leader” it doesn’t care. It says “Just do it”. Ugh. You can imagine the arguments. I explain that I have no interest in being a hero(ine). Maybe I can just…write an obscure book for a few people? Talk to friends? It says “Write emails. Invite. Create. Continue inviting.” I say “Do I have to?” It says “Yes.” So I am writing to you. Hey, I am just doing my job.

I admit that on some days there is a lot of “I don’t want to.” But truthfully, I have been given these unique and beautiful teachings because they truly need to be given. When I have given them, I have witnessed their deep effect on the hearts, souls, and bodies of students. I have come to know the power and the need for a life teaching that goes further than the pages of any book, beyond academics. The need for the creativity that comes from these ideas, for people to be empowered in learning together. I feel a responsibility. Further, a beautiful little community has grown around these teachings. Not so much around me. I am an ordinary enough human. But around what we are learning together. And that is really cool. There is a lot more to come.

I am not trying to start a movement or a religion or save the world or be famous in any small world within the world. But if the world is going to take its next awkward step toward sanity, it is going to be because people learned how to band together to learn a new language and create new solutions from new ideas. This is a start.

This work has called me into a different leadership, one that empowers others through deep connections with self and an exploration of true community. It may be calling you. If so, you probably need to answer that call. I am gratefully standing by. Just doing my job.